Gaussian Processes


  • Multivariate Gaussian but with infinite dimensions
  • Give $x\in\mathbb{R}^{N}$ and get back $y\in\mathbb{R}^{N}$, where the components of y are the probability of observing $x_{i}$ according to a Gaussian living in dimension $i$.
  • Useful for Bayesian formulations
  • Non-parametric regression
  • A GP is a stochastic process (or stochastic function)

  • kernel controls how likely functions are to be sampled
    • kernels can be on any two objects! Not necessarily vectors/points
    • measures similiarity between the two objects
      • e.g., Radial basis function RBF
  • Similar outputs for similar inputs i.e., smooth functions
  • hyperparameters control the amount of smoothness

Modelling by combining kernels -> adding them together - multiplication of kernels

  • Data that you fit is considered to be only one N-dimensional sample

  • GP’s are distributions over functions if n->infinity

\[GP(\mathbf{x}) \sim \mathcal{N}(m(\mathbf{x}), K(\mathbf{x}))\]

where $m(\mathbf{x})$ is a mean function and $K(\mathbf{x})$ is the kernel matrix. The element of the ith row and jith column of the kernel matrix is given by, $k(x_{i}, x_{j})$.

A popular choice is the squared exponential kernel,

\[k(x_{i},x_{j}) = e^{-\frac{1}{2}\big(\frac{x_{i}-x_{j}}{\tau}\big)^{2}}\]

This will make it so that values that are closer together have a larger covariance. The parameter $\tau$ controls the smoothness of the GP.

Can be used for [[ GPR|GP Regression ]] or GP Factor Analysis.


Applications in neuroscience

  • estimating firing rates from spike trains - Cunningham/Shenoy

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